Friday, May 22, 2020

Reflection Paper On The Classroom - 985 Words

Reflection Paper Before I began this observation assignment for my SPED class I was nervous and a bit skeptical about how everything was going to be, because I have never observed an inclusion class. After my first day of observation I felt more confident about my career choice. In this reflection paper I will talk about the assignment and all the things I found interesting, important, and challenging. I will also talk about how I overcame the challenges, my misconceptions prior to observing, and how this field experience will affect my education environment. The last things I will talk about is how my future behavior will now be affected by what I learned and how this experience helped me better understand my personal and professional goals. Section A From my perspective the purpose of this field experiment assignment seems like it was letting us see the reality of how an inclusion classroom actually works. I was able to see what an inclusion class had to offer all the students and how an inclusion classroom worked. During this field assignment I saw some interesting things such as how the children treated the exceptional children and how different teachers reacted towards these students. Some teachers treated them like all the other students and other teachers would get frustrated and impatient with them. The things that I learned from my involvement was that the children that had disabilities didn’t want people to treat them like they had a disability, that they wereShow MoreRelatedClassroom Reflection Paper1405 Words   |  6 Pagesjust to get out of school for a day. There are many factors that attribute to making us want to stay home from school but as a teacher, I want to provide an atmosphere where students enjoy c oming to my classroom. Kids should feel like they matter and are respected when they are learning in a classroom, and from the learning experiences that I have had and will gain in ECCO, I intend to provide an atmosphere where not only can they can flourish and thrive, but they are able to influence the world aroundRead MoreClassroom Reflection Paper1514 Words   |  7 PagesThe lessons were taught in a classroom in a New York City public school. The school is in a low-income neighborhood in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The school’s demographics consist of a majority of Chinese students followed by Hispanic students. A majority of the parents of the students in this class do not speak English. The students were engaged throughout the lessons and it helped that they experience a positive learning environment in this class. I was able to teach all three lessons of the curriculumRead MoreClassroom Reflection Paper1198 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many different types of attachments that I have observed in the Magnolia classroom. Some are attachments to the children’s personal belongings and others are attachments to people, such as the teachers. Growing out of these attachments is good for the children’s social-emotional development. Petersen (2012) stated, â€Å"From good prenatal health care and nutrition through developmentally appropriate early experiences in relationships and in exploration, the young brain should be forming asRead MoreClassroom Reflection Paper1154 Words   |  5 Pagesanother person. In my future classroom, I would like for my students to treat errors/ mistake as a normal part of learning. I think in my context field, we sometimes focus on the end result, but I think we can all learn from out mistake. 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